Owls – Year 2

Mr Noble, Mrs Murphy and Miss Sanderson welcome you to Owls Class.

As the oldest children in the school we enjoy taking on special responsibilities such as being good role models for the younger children in our school. We enjoy our special roles as Playground Buddies and love leading different games during playtimes.

Our classroom is always busy and fun. We love developing our learning skills through all the engaging and interesting projects that we do.

We are incredibly lucky to be part of a Federation and enjoy working with the other Year 2 children in the Federation. We love getting together and participating in lots of amazing activities such as school trips, sports events, and our Woodland Learning sessions at Testwood Lakes. We can also take part in Mathletics which we can access at home.

Through all our learning in school we know that we are developing our skills to become confident and independent learners ready for our next steps in our educational journey.