Our Church

We are very fortunate to be situated directly opposite the beautiful church of St Michael and All Angels. We maintain a strong relationship with the church. Family worship, led by Rev David Potterton is held every month, as well as various other opportunities to celebrate and worship. The church is a familiar setting for our pupils and is very much part of school life. For more information about our church please click here.

Being appointed as Priest in Charge of the New Forest Benefice is fantastic because it means that I have the joy of supporting children, families and staff at St Michael’s here in Lyndhurst.

The best way for me to learn about the school is to ‘be there’ and whilst not in short trousers, I will be in school every Tuesday morning leading Collective Worship, encouraging the school and parents to visit and use their church as much as possible and I will sometimes be there at the school gates getting to know everyone.  I do have a dog who is very calm and super soft who will sometimes be with me.  She is called ‘ Clarrie’ and, being black with a white collar looks more live a Vicar than me!

I love music and was for a number of years Principle Clarinetist with the Royal Marines Band Service. I also play the piano and write songs for children to sing in Collective Worship.  One more obvious thing to point out is that I am very tall – 6’ 6” to be exact – and will often be seen sat on the floor talking to the children!

The School and its Parish Church not only share the same ’name, but share the same commitment to see children flourish in their understanding and experience of Jesus.  I actually see my ‘job’ as to support the whole school community in planting and watering those seeds of faith that are sewn every day in school and at home with gentleness and joy. I look forward to celebrating everything the children achieve and to working hard with the staff to ensure that faith is not only for real but really can be fun!

I am happy to be contacted via email david.potterton@newforestparishes.com and by phone 07568 527820. You can also access videos on my youtube channel New Forest Benefice.

Looking forward to us getting to know each other.


Priest in Charge
New Forest Benefice
St Michael’s, Lyndhurst
All Saints, Minstead
Christ Church, Emery Down